Title: Distributed Operating Systems for Mobile/Cloud Applications

Advisor: Hank Levy

Supervisory Committee: Hank Levy (Chair), Scott Hauck (GSR, EE), Arvind Krishnamurthy, and Luis Ceze

Abstract: The convergence of ubiquitous mobile devices, large-scale cloud platforms and pervasive network connectivity have changed the face of modern user applications. Unlike a traditional desktop application of the past, which runs on a single machine and supports a single user, the typical user-facing application today spans numerous mobile devices and cloud servers while supporting large numbers of users. This shift has significantly increased the difficulty of building user applications due to the challenges of the mobile/cloud environment (e.g., partial failures, network partitions) and the new requirements of mobile/cloud applications (e.g., availability, scalability).  At the same time, existing systems do little to help application programmers cope with these challenges and requirements.

This thesis proposes a new type of mobile/cloud operating system designed to meet the needs of modern applications. Mobile/cloud applications are the standard application of the future; thus, they deserve a first-class operating system to simplify their development and management. This thesis includes three systems that make up the world's first mobile/cloud operating system: (1) Sapphire, a new distributed runtime and process management system, (2) Diamond, a new distributed memory management system, and (3) TAPIR, a new distributed storage system. Together, these systems introduce several new operating systems abstractions and mechanisms designed to eliminate the challenges and simplify the requirements of mobile/cloud applications. This thesis demonstrates that, like operating systems of the past, these systems make it easier for application programmers to build larger and more complex applications.

CSE 303
Friday, September 1, 2017 - 10:00 to Wednesday, May 1, 2024 - 14:45