
CSE2 344
Areas of interest: 

Computing for the developing world, health information systems, educational technology

Digital Financial Services

Richard Anderson Computing and Digital Services for the Poor: The UW Digital Financial Services Research Group. Change Seminar, March 2016. (PDF)

Projecting Health (Previously Digital Public Health)

Richard Anderson, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AAIMS), New Delhi, India, September 2015, Projecting Health: Engaging communities through visual communication. (PDF)

Richard Anderson, Pakistan ICTD Workshop, Lahore, Pakistan, January 14, 2013 (Remote), University From Digital StudyHall to DigitalPublic Health. (PPTX, PDF, PDF handouts)

Brittany Fiore-Silfvast, Carl Hartung, Kirti Iyengar, Sharad Iyengar, Kiersten Israel-Ballard, Noah Perin and Richard Anderson, ACM Symposium for Computing and Development (DEV 2013), Bangalore India, January 11, 2013, Mobile Video for Patient Education: The Midwives' perspective. (PPTX PDF PDF Handouts)

Richard Anderson, Change Seminar, University of Washington, September 25, 2012, From Digital StudyHall to DigitalPublic Health. (PPTX, PDF, PDF handouts, Updated PPTX, Updated PDF )

Richard Anderson, Microsoft Research India, Bangalore, August 24, 2012, From Digital StudyHall to DigitalPublic Health. (PPTX, PDF handouts)

Research Overviews

Richard Anderson, Change Seminar, October 2015, ICTD @ UW CSE, (PDF)

Richard Anderson, Biomedical and Health Informatics MEBI 590 seminar, October 2, 2012 Unversity of Washington, The Mobile Wellness Toolkit Project. (PPTX, PDF)

Richard Anderson, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, August 27, 2012, The Mobile Wellness Toolkit Project. (PPTX, PDF handouts)

Software and Global Health

Richard Anderson, Change Seminar, University of Washington, January 5, 2012, Software and Global Health: Assessing Vaccine Cold Chain from National Equipment Inventories. (PPTX PDF PDF Handouts)