
Change is a group of faculty and students at the University of Washington exploring how technology can improve the lives of under-served populations in low-income regions.

Project ACCESS

The goal of this project is to create novel computer-based devices that will enhance the quality of life for people with cognitive disabilities. These devices are memory and problem-solving aids that will help an individual perform the tasks of day-to-day life more independently.

Open Data Kit

Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set of tools that help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. ODK provides an out-of-the-box solution for users to: build a data collection form or survey; collect the data on a mobile device and send it to a server; and aggregate the collected data on a server and extract it in useful formats. In addition to socio-economic and health surveys with GPS locations and images, ODK is being used to create decision support for clinicians and for building multimedia-rich nature mapping tools.