Are you leaving CSE? Whether you're moving up, moving out or just plain moving on, there are some things to know before you go. And yes, we're going to miss you! Note that this page pertains to faculty, staff, or visitors only. Graduating students should refer to the after graduation page.

Faculty leaving CSE

Your Email: Email accounts will cease upon leaving CSE. We recommend that you set up email forwarding to an external address within your cloud account before it is closed out in order to preserve forwarding. (Note: exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for tenured or emeritus faculty that continue collaborating after leaving CSE.)
Your data and GitLab projects: Data stored in your home directory and GitLab will be deleted upon leaving CSE. Please be sure to copy or move any data you wish to preserve before your account is closed out.
Your Web Home Page: Your web home will be deleted upon leaving CSE. Support can set up web forwarding to a URL of your choice before or after your departure.

Post-Docs leaving CSE

Your Email: Email accounts will cease upon leaving CSE. We recommend that you set up email forwarding to an external address within your cloud account before it is closed out in order to preserve forwarding.
Your data and GitLab projects: Data stored in your home directory and GitLab will be deleted upon leaving CSE. Please be sure to copy or move any data you wish to preserve before your account is closed out.
Your Web Home Page: Your web home will be deleted upon leaving CSE. Support can set up web forwarding to a URL of your choice before or after your departure.

Staff leaving CSE

Your Email: Email accounts will cease upon leaving CSE. We recommend that you set up email forwarding to an external address within your cloud account before it is closed out in order to preserve forwarding.
Your data and GitLab projects: Data stored in your home directory and GitLab will be deleted upon leaving CSE. Please be sure to copy or move any data you wish to preserve before your account is closed out.
Your Web Home Page: Your web home will be deleted upon leaving CSE.

Some final tips and advice...

  • Don't wait until the last minute!! Start preparing for your departure at least 2 weeks in advance of your last day.
  • Many people continue to collaborate after leaving CSE and have their accounts converted to "guest" status. However, there will eventually come a day that your guest account expires and you'll be faced with the inevitable. At that time you'll need to take the appropriate action based on your former status.
  • YOU are responsible for your data. Although CSE makes backups of many network shares, we cannot guarantee that your data will be saved for eternity. If it is important to you save it and/or take it with you.
  • If you are using a CSE cloud email account (GMail or Office365), we highly recommend that you set up forwarding within the cloud account. This will preserve forwarding of your @cs email even after your account(s) are closed out.
  • For students leaving CSE, we have a resource for you that explains what happens After Graduation.
  • If you are a graduate of a CSE program (undergrad, masters, grad) and then went on to become faculty, postdoc or staff, you will retain the same services as before (see the afore mentioned "After Graduation" page).