We want to know what you think!
Thursday, October 29, 2009: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Paul G. Allen Center
Employee Trends (CSE 305)
What are the trends that you see in recent employees – both from the University of Washington, and from other institutions? Which of these trends do you see as positive, and which do you see as negative? What are the most important characteristics that you seek in new employees? How does your recruiting process screen for these characteristics? What steps would you suggest that university programs take in order to produce graduates who are more career-ready? What proportion of your employees are new college graduates vs. hires from other employers? Among new college graduates, what proportion are at the Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral level? Do you see any trends?
Computer Science & Engineering as an Extrovert (CSE 403)
How can we work together to improve the public perception of computer science, computer engineering, and all of science and engineering? Enrollments will always be cyclical. Right now, our introductory courses are larger than they have ever been, and the gender balance is better than anyone can remember. But the fact is that interest in our field, and in all technical fields, is not as strong as it should be, or as the region and the nation need. What is your company doing to address this? What would you have us do? How might we partner? How can we better market UW CSE to a larger and more diverse potential student pool? How can we better explain to prospective students the diverse career paths that are available to them? How far should we go in having joint educational programs with other departments? Does this strengthen our students? Does it dilute our brand?
Data-Intensive Computing (CSE 691)
The advent of low-cost high-bandwidth sensors – ranging from gene sequencers to point-of-sale-terminals to the World Wide Web – is transitioning all fields from data-poor to data-rich – requiring the collection, transmission, storage, and automated analysis of enormous volumes of data. We’ll describe our research and curricular efforts in the area of data-intensive computing, and hear from you about your own transitions – in the services and capabilities that you offer, and in how the conduct of your work is changing.