
CSE 576
Areas of interest: 

Computer architecture, machine learning systems, programming languages, energy-efficient computing, molecular storage and computing.

Stabilizing synthetic DNA for long-term data storage with earth alkaline salts

X. Kohll, P.L. Antkowiak, W. Chen, B. Nguyen, W.Jan Stark, L. Ceze, K. Strauss, R.N. GrassChemical CommunicationsRoyal Society of Chemistry, 2020.

Automatic generation of high-performance quantized machine learning kernels

M. Cowan, T. Moreau, T. Chen, J. Bornholt, L. CezeProceedings of the 18th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization, 2020.

Probing the physical limits of reliable DNA data retrieval

L. Organick, Y.J. Chen, S.Dumas Ang, R. Lopez, X. Liu, K. Strauss, L. CezeNature communicationsNature Publishing Group 11:1, 2020.

Riptide: Fast End-to-End Binarized Neural Networks

J. Fromm, M. Cowan, M. Philipose, L. Ceze, S. PatelProceedings of the 3rd MLSys Conference, 2020.

Genotype extraction and false relative attacks: Security risks to third-party genetic genealogy services beyond identity inference.

P. Ney, L. Ceze, T. KohnoNetwork and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 10:29, 2020.

PLink: Efficient Cloud-based Training with Topology-aware Dynamic Hierarchical Aggregation

L. Luo, P. West, J. Nelson, A. Krishnamurthy, L. CezeProceedings of the 3rd MLSys Conference, 2020.

Perceptual Compression for Video Storage and Processing Systems

A. Mazumdar, B. Haynes, M. Balazinska, L. Ceze, A. Cheung, M. OskinProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud ComputingACM, 2019.

Molecular digital data storage using DNA

L. Ceze, J. Nivala, K. StraussNature Reviews GeneticsNature Publishing Group, 2019.

Scaling Microfluidics to Complex, Dynamic Protocols

M. Willsey, A. Stephenson, C. Takahashi, B. Nguyen, K. Strauss, L. Ceze2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)IEEE, 2019.

High density DNA data storage library via dehydration with digital microfluidic retrieval

S. Newman, A.P. Stephenson, M. Willsey, B.H. Nguyen, C.N. Takahashi, K. Strauss, L. CezeNature communicationsNature Publishing Group 10:1, 2019.

Puddle: A Dynamic, Error-Correcting, Full-Stack Microfluidics Platform

M. Willsey, A.P. Stephenson, C. Takahashi, P. Vaid, B.H. Nguyen, M. Piszczek, C. Betts, S. Newman, S. Joshi, K. Strauss, L. CezeInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2019.

DNA Data Storage and Hybrid Molecular–Electronic Computing

D. Carmean, L. Ceze, G. Seelig, K. Stewart, K. Strauss, M. WillseyProceedings of the IEEE, 2019.

A Hardware–Software Blueprint for Flexible Deep Learning Specialization

T. Moreau, T. Chen, L. Vega, J. Roesch, E. Yan, L. Zheng, J. Fromm, Z. Jiang, L. Ceze, C. Guestrin,  othersIEEE MicroIEEE 39:5, 2019.

Combining Data Longevity with High Storage Capacity—Layer-by-Layer DNA Encapsulated in Magnetic Nanoparticles

W.D. Chen, X. Kohll, B.H. Nguyen, J. Koch, R. Heckel, W.J. Stark, L. Ceze, K. Strauss, R.N. GrassAdvanced Functional MaterialsWiley Online Library, 2019.

DNA assembly for nanopore data storage readout

R. Lopez, Y.J. Chen, S.Dumas Ang, S. Yekhanin, K. Makarychev, M.Z. Racz, G. Seelig, K. Strauss, L. CezeNature communicationsNature Publishing Group 10:1, 2019.

Demonstration of end-to-end automation of DNA data storage

C.N. Takahashi, B.H. Nguyen, K. Strauss, L. CezeScientific reportsNature Publishing Group 9:1, 2019.

LightDB: A DBMS for Virtual Reality Video

B. Haynes, A. Mazumdar, A. Alaghi, M. Balazinska, L. Ceze, A. CheungProceedings of VLDB, 2018.

Application Codesign of Near-Data Processing for Similarity Search

V.T. Lee, A. Mazumdar, C.C. del Mundo, A. Alaghi, L. Ceze, M. OskinIPDPS, 2018.

MATIC: Learning Around Erros for Efficient Low-Voltage Neural Network Accelerators

S. Kim, P. Howe, T. Moreau, A. Alaghi, L. Ceze, V. SatheDesign, Automation and Test in Europe, 2018.  Best paper award.

Correlation Manipulating Circuits for Stochastic Computing

V. Lee, A. Alaghi, L. CezeDesign, Automation and Test in Europe, 2018.

TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning

T. Chen, T. Moreau, Z. Jiang, L. Zheng, E. Yan, H. Shen, M. Cowan, L. Wang, Y. Hu, L. CezeSymposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2018.

Troubleshooting Transiently-Recurring Errors in Production Systems with Blame-Proportional Logging

L. Luo, S. Nath, L.Ravindrana Sivalingam, M. Musuvathi, L. CezeUSENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), 2018.

Iterative Search for Reconfigurable Accelerator Blocks with a Compiler in the Loop

M. Willsey, V.T. Lee, A. Cheung, R. Bodík, L. CezeIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2018.

Architecture Considerations for Stochastic Computing Accelerators

V.T. Lee, A. Alaghi, R. Pamula, V.S. Sathe, L. Ceze, M. OskinIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 37:11, 2018.

A content-addressable DNA database with learned sequence encodings

K. Stewart, Y.J. Chen, D. Ward, X. Liu, G. Seelig, K. Strauss, L. CezeInternational Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular ProgrammingSpringer, 2018.

DNA data storage and hybrid molecular–electronic computing

D. Carmean, L. Ceze, G. Seelig, K. Stewart, K. Strauss, M. WillseyProceedings of the IEEEIEEE 107:1, 2018.

Learning to optimize tensor programs

T. Chen, L. Zheng, E. Yan, Z. Jiang, T. Moreau, L. Ceze, C. Guestrin, A. KrishnamurthyAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2018.

Parameter Hub: a Rack-Scale Parameter Server for Distributed Deep Neural Network Training

L. Luo, J. Nelson, L. Ceze, A. Phanishayee, A. KrishnamurthyProceedings of the ACM Symposium on Cloud ComputingACM, 2018.

Random access in large-scale DNA data storage

L. Organick, S.Dumas Ang, Y.J. Chen, R. Lopez, S. Yekhanin, K. Makarychev, M.Z. Racz, G. Kamath, P. Gopalan, B. Nguyen, C.N. Takahashi, S. Newman, H.Y. Parker, C. Rashtchian, K. Stewart, G. Gupta, R. Carlson, J. Mulligan, D. Carmean, G. Seelig, L. Ceze, K. StraussNature Biotechnology, 2018.  ISBN: 1364298980840

Clustering Billions of Reads for DNA Data Storage

C. Rashtchian, K. Makarychev, M. Racz, S. Ang, D. Jevdjic, S. Yekhanin, L. Ceze, K. StraussNIPS, 2017.

A Taxonomy of General Purpose Approximate Computing Techniques

T. Moreau, J.S. Miguel, M. Wyse, J. Bornholt, A. Alaghi, L. Ceze, N.E. Jerger, A. SampsonIEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 2017.

Scaling up DNA data storage and random access retrieval

L. Organick, S.Dumas Ang, Y.J. Chen, R. Lopez, S. Yekhanin, K. Makarychev, M.Z. Racz, G. Kamath, P. Gopalan, B. Nguyen, C. Takahashi, S. Newman, H.Y. Parker, C. Rashtchian, K. Stewart, G. Gupta, R. Carlson, J. Mulligan, D. Carmean, G. Seelig, L. Ceze, K. StraussbioRxiv, 2017.  Accepted for publication at Nature Biotechnology.

Exploring Computation-Communication Tradeoffs in Camera Systems

A. Mazumdar, T. Moreau, S. Kim, M. Cowan, A. Alaghi, L. Ceze, M. Oskin, V. SatheIISWC, 2017.

Approximate Storage for Encoded and Encrypted Videos

D. Jevdjic, K. Strauss, L. Ceze, H. MalvarInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2017.

Energy-Efficient Hybrid Stochastic-Binary Neural Networks for Near-Sensor Computing

V. Lee, A. Alaghi, J. Hayes, V. Sathe, L. CezeDesign, Automation and Test in Europe, 2017.

IncBricks: Towards In-network Computation with an In-Network Cache

M. Liu, L. Luo, J. Nelson, A. Krishnamurthy, L. CezeInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2017.  Selected as Honorable Mention for IEEE Micro Top Picks.

Augmenting Interpersonal Communication through Connected Lighting

M.E. Morris, D.M. Carmean, A. Minyaylov, L. CezeConference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA), 2017.

Similarity Search on Automata Processors

V.T. Lee, J. Kotalik, C.C. del Mundo, A. Alaghi, L. Ceze, M. OskinInternational Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2017.

Customizing Progressive JPEG for Efficient Image Storage

E. Yan, K. Zhang, X. Wang, K. Strauss, L. CezeUSENIX HotStorage, 2017.

VisualCloud Demonstration: A DBMS for Virtual Reality

B. Haynes, A. Minyaylov, M. Balazinska, L. Ceze, A. CheungSIGMOD, 2017.

A Hardware-Friendly Bilateral Solver for Real-Time Virtual Reality Video

A. Mazumdar, A. Alaghi, J.T. Barron, D. Gallup, L. Ceze, M. Oskin, S.M. SeitzHigh Performance Graphics (HPG), 2017.

Computer Security, Privacy, and DNA Sequencing: Compromising Computers with Synthesized DNA, Privacy Leaks, and More

P. Ney, K. Koscher, L. Organick, L. Ceze, T. KohnoUSENIX Security, 2017.

Disciplined Inconsistency with Consistency Types

B. Holt, J. Bornholt, I. Zhang, D.R.K. Ports, M. Oskin, L. CezeSOCC, 2016.

High-Density Image Storage Using Approximate Memory Cells

Q. Guo, K. Strauss, L. Ceze, H. MalvarInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2016.

A DNA-Based Archival Storage System

J. Bornholt, R. Lopez, K. Strauss, D.M. Carmean, L. Ceze, G. Seelig, K. StraussInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2016.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2016.

Optimizing Synthesis with Metasketches

J. Bornholt, E. Torlak, D. Grossman, L. CezePOPL, 2016.

Disciplined Inconsistency with Consistency Types

B. Holt, J. Bornholt, I. Zhang, D.R.K. Ports, M. Oskin, L. CezeACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SOCC), 2016.

Approximate Semantics for Wirelessly Networked Applications

B. Ransford, A. Sampson, L. Cezearxiv, 2015.  Earlier version appeared in Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack (WACAS w/ ASPLOS) 2014

Claret: Using Data Types for Highly Concurrent Distributed Transactions

B. Holt, I. Zhang, D.R.K. Ports, M. Oskin, L. CezeWorkshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC '15)ACM, 2015.

Latency-Tolerant Software Distributed Shared Memory

J. Nelson, B. Holt, B. Myers, P. Briggs, L. Ceze, S. Kahan, M. OskinUSENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2015.  Best Paper Award

REACT: A Framework for Rapid Exploration of Approximate Computing Techniques

M. Wyse, A. Baixo, T. Moreau, B. Zorn, J. Bornholt, A. Sampson, L. Ceze, M. OskinWorkshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack (WAX w/ PLDI), 2015.

Approximate Program Synthesis

J. Bornholt, E. Torlak, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanWorkshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack (WAX w/ PLDI), 2015.

Approximate Computing: Making Mobile Systems More Efficient

T. Moreau, A. Sampson, L. CezePervasive Computing, IEEE, 2015.

Claret: Using Data Types for Highly Concurrent Distributed Transactions

B. Holt, I. Zhang, D. Ports, M. Oskin, L. CezeWorkshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency (PaPoC'15 w/ EuroSys), 2015.

Debugging Approximate Programs via Dynamic Analysis

M. Ringenburg, A.Sampson Is Ackerman, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2015.

Data Provenance Tracking for Concurrent Programs

B. Lucia, L. CezeInternational Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), 2015.

SNNAP: Approximate Computing on Programmable SoCs via Neural Acceleration

T. Moreau, M. Wyse, J. Nelson, A. Sampson, H. Esmaeilzadeh, L. Ceze, M. OskinInternational Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2015.

SNNAP: Approximate Computing on Programmable SoCs via Neural Acceleration

T. Moreau, M. Wyse, J. Nelson, A. Sampson, H. Esmaeilzadeh, L. Ceze, M. OskinInternational Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2015.

Robust chemical preservation of digital information on DNA in silica with error-correcting codes

R.N. Grass, R. Heckel, M. Puddu, D. Paunescu, W.J. StarkAngewandte Chemie International EditionWiley Online Library 54:8, 2015.

Probability Type Inference for Flexible Approximate Programming

B. Boston, A. Sampson, D. Grossman, L. CezeOOPSLA, 2015.

"Hardware–Software Co-Design: Not Just a Cliche"

J.Bornholt A. Sampson, L. CezeSNAPL, 2015.

NCAM: Near-Data Processing for Nearest Neighbor Search

C. del Mundo, V. Lee, L. Ceze, M. OskinMEMSYS, 2015.

Alembic: Automatic Locality Extraction via Migration

B. Holt, P. Briggs, L. Ceze, M. OskinSPLASH-OOPSLA, 2014.

Symbolic Execution of Multithreaded Programs from Arbitrary Program Contexts

T. Bergan, D. Grossman, L. CezeSPLASH-OOPSLA, 2014.

Expressing and Verifying Probabilistic Assertions

A. Sampson, P. Panchekha, T. Mytkowicz, K. McKinley, D. Grossman, L. CezeConference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2014.

Mercury: An Integrated, 3D-Stacked Server Design for Increasing Physical Density of Key-Value Stores

A. Gutierrez, M. Cieslak, R.G. Dreslinski, L. Ceze, T. MudgeInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2014.

Low-Level Detection of High-Level Data Races with LARD

B.P. Wood, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2014.

General-Purpose Code Acceleration with Limited-Precision Analog Computation

R.St. Amant, A. Yazdanbakhsh, J. Park, B. Thwaites, H. Esmaeilzadeh, A. Hassibi, L. Ceze, D. BurgerInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2014.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks Honorable Mention 2015.

Approximate Storage in Solid-State Memories

A. Sampson, J. Nelson, K. Strauss, L. CezeInternational Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2013.

EnerJ, the Language of Good-Enough Computing

A. Sampson, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanIEEE Spectrum Feature Article, 2013.

DNA-based Molecular Architecture with Spatially Localized Components

R. Muscat, K. Strauss, L. Ceze, G. SeeligInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2013.

DDOS: Taming Nondeterminism in Distributed Systems

N. Hunt, T. Bergan, L. Ceze, S. GribbleInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2013.

Input-Covering Schedules for Multithreaded Programs

T. Bergan, D. Grossman, L. CezeWorkshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (WoDet w/ ASPLOS), 2013.

Cooperative Empirical Failure Avoidance for Multithreaded Programs

B. Lucia, L. CezeInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2013.

Flat Combining Synchronized Global Data Structures

B. Holt, J. Nelson, B. Myers, P. Briggs, L. Ceze, S. Kahan, M. OskinInternational Conference on PGAS Programming Models, 2013.

Exploring Storage Class Memory with Key Value Stores

K.A. Bailey, P. Hornyack, L. Ceze, S.D. Gribble, H.M. LevyWorkshop on Interactions of NVM/FLASH with Operating Systems and Workloads, 2013.

A Study of Virtual Memory Usage and Implications for Large Memory

P. Hornyack, L. Ceze, S. Gribble, D. Ports, H. LevyWorkshop on Interactions of NVM/FLASH with Operating Systems and Workloads, 2013.

Neural Acceleration for General-Purpose Approximate Programs

H. Esmaeilzadeh, A. Sampson, L. Ceze, D. BurgerInternational Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2012.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2012.

Automatic Discovery of Performance and Energy Pitfalls in HTML and CSS

A. Sampson, C. Cascaval, L. Ceze, P. Montesinos, D.S. GraciaInternational Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 2012.

IFRit: Interference-Free Regions for Dynamic Data-Race Detection

L. Effinger-Dean, B. Lucia, L. Ceze, D. Grossman, H.J. BoehmSPLASH-OOPSLA, 2012.

Towards Neural Acceleration for General-Purpose Approximate Computing

H. Esmaeilzadeh, A. Sampson, L. Ceze, D. BurgerWorkshop on Energy Efficient Design w/ International Symposium on Computer Architecture (WEED w/ ISCA), 2012.

RADISH: Always-On Sound and Complete RAce Detection In Software and Hardware

J. Devietti, B. Wood, K. Strauss, L. Ceze, S. Qadeer, D. GrossmanInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2012.

Addressing Dark Silicon Challenges with Disciplined Approximate Computing

H. Esmaeilzadeh, A. Sampson, M. Ringenburg, L. Ceze, D. Grossman, D. BurgerDark Silicon Workshop w/ International Symposium on Computer Architecture (DaSi w/ ASPLOS), 2012.

The Case For Merging Execution- and Language-level Determinism with MELD

J. Devietti, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanWorkshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (WoDet w/ ASPLOS), 2012.

Automatic Empirical Failure Avoidance for Concurrent Software

B. Lucia, L. CezeWorkshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (WoDet w/ ASPLOS), 2012.

Architecture Support for Disciplined Approximate Programming

H. Esmaeilzadeh, A. Sampson, L. Ceze, D. BurgerInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2012.

Checked Load: Architectural Support for JavaScript Type-Checking on Mobile Processors

O. Anderson, E. Fortuna, L. Ceze, S. EggersProc. of the International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2011.

Accelerating Data Race Detection with Minimal Hardware Support

R. Gonzalez-Alberquilla, K. Strauss, L. Pinuel, L. CezeEuroPar, 2011.

On the Impact of Memory Models on Software Reliability in Multiprocessors

L. Effinger-Dean, A. Jaffe, T. Moscibroda, K. Strauss, L. CezeSymposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC)., 2011.

Data-Race Exceptions Have Benefits Beyond the Memory Model

B. Wood, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanWorkshop on Memory System Performance and Correctness w/ Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (MSPC w/ PLDI), 2011.

EnerJ: Approximate Data Types for Safe and General Low-Power Computation

A. Sampson, W. Dietl, E. Fortuna, D. Gnanapragasam, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanConference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2011.

Isolating and Understanding Concurrency Errors Using Reconstructed Execution Fragments

B. Lucia, B. Wood, L. CezeConference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), 2011.

Crunching Large Graphs with Commodity Processors

J. Nelson, B. Myers, A.H. Hunter, P. Briggs, D. Grossman, M. Oskin, C. Ebeling, S. Kahan, L. CezeUSENIX Hot Topics on Parallelism (HotPar), 2011.

Operating System Implications of Fast, Cheap, Non-Volatile Memory

K. Bailey, L. Ceze, S.D. Gribble, H.M. LevyUSENIX Hot Topics on Operating Systems (HotOS), 2011.

The Deterministic Execution Hammer: How Well Does it Actually Pound Nails?

T. Bergan, J. Devietti, N. Hunt, L. CezeWorkshop on Determinism and Correctness in Parallel Programming w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (WoDet w/ ASPLOS), 2011.

RCDC: A Relaxed Consistency Deterministic Computer

J. Devietti, J. Nelson, T. Bergan, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2011.

Dense Approximate Storage in Phase-Change Memory

J. Nelson, A. Sampson, L. CezeWild and Crazy Ideas w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (WACI w/ ASPLOS), 2011.

Characterizing the Performance and Energy Efficiency of Lock-Free Data Structures

N. Hunt, P.S. Sandhu, L. CezeWorkshop on Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures w/ International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (INTERACT w/ HPCA), 2011.

Checked Load: Architectural Support for JavaScript Type-Checking on Mobile Processors

O. Anderson, E. Fortuna, L. Ceze, S. EggersInternational Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2011.

System Introspection with Hardware Watchmachines

N. Hunt, B. Lucia, L. CezeFun Ideas and Thoughts w/ Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI FIT), 2011.

System Introspection with Hardware Watchmachines

N. Hunt, B. Lucia, L. CezeFun Ideas and Thoughts w/ Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI FIT), 2011.

A Limit Study of JavaScript Parallelism

E. Fortuna, O. Anderson, L. Ceze, S. EggersInternational Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 2010.

Deterministic Process Groups in dOS

T. Bergan, N. Hunt, L. Ceze, S. GribbleSymposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), 2010.

Deterministic process groups in dOS

T. Bergen, N. Hunt, L. Ceze, S.D. GribbleProc. of the USENIX Conf. on Operating Systems Design and Implementation, 2010.

Composable Specifications for Structured Shared-Memory Communication

B. Wood, A. Sampson, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanSPLASH-OOPSLA, 2010.

Lock Prediction

B. Lucia, J. Devietti, T. Bergan, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanUSENIX Hot Topics on Parallelism (HotPar), 2010.

Conflict Exceptions: Providing Simple Concurrent Language Semantics with Precise Hardware Exceptions for Data Races

B. Lucia, L. Ceze, K. Strauss, S. Qadeer, H.J. BoehmInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2010.

CoreDet: A Compiler and Runtime System for Deterministic Multithreaded Execution

T. Bergan, O. Anderson, J. Devietti, L. Ceze, D. GrossmanInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2010.

DMP: Deterministic Shared Memory Multiprocessing

J. Devietti, B. Lucia, L. Ceze, M. OskinIEEE Micro Top Picks in Computer Architecture, 2010.

The Bulk Multicore Architecture for Improved Programmability

J. Torrellas, L. Ceze, J. Tuck, C. Cascaval, P. Montesinos, W. Ahn, M. PrvulovicCommunication of the ACM, 2009.

Two Hardware-based Approaches for Deterministic Multiprocessor Replay

D.R. Hower, P. Montesinos, L. Ceze, M.D. Hill, J. TorrellasResearch Highlights, Communication of the ACM, 2009.

Concurrency Discovery for Very Large Windows of Execution

J. Nelson, L. CezeWorkshop on Parallel Execution of Sequential Programs on Multi-core Architectures w/ International Symposium on Computer Architecture (PESPMA w/ ISCA), 2009.

The Case for System Support for Concurrency Exceptions

L. Ceze, J. Devietti, B. Lucia, S. QadeerUSENIX Hot Topics on Parallelism (HotPar), 2009.

Self-Powered Processors

A. Putnam, L. Ceze, B. HazeltonWild and Crazy Ideas w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (WACI w/ ASPLOS), 2009.

DMP: Deterministic Shared Memory Multiprocessing

J. Devietti, B. Lucia, L. Ceze, M. OskinInternational Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2009.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2009.

SoftSig: Software-Exposed Hardware Signatures for Memory Disambiguation

J. Tuck, W. Ahn, L. Ceze, J. Torrellas, L. CezeIEEE Micro Top Picks in Computer Architecture, 2009.

Atom-Aid: Detecting and Surviving Atomicity Violations

B. Lucia, J. Devietti, K. Strauss, L. CezeIEEE Micro Top Picks in Computer Architecture, 2009.

Using Checkpoint-Assisted Value Prediction to Hide L2 Misses

L. Ceze, K. Strauss, J. Tuck, J. Renau, J. TorrellasACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 2009.

Programming and Debugging Shared Memory Programs with Data Coloring

L. Ceze, C. Praun, C. Cascaval, P. Montesinos, J. TorrellasWorkshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC), 2009.

Explicitly Parallel Programming with Shared-Memory is Insane: At Least Make it Deterministic!

J. Devietti, B. Lucia, M. Oskin, L. CezeWorkshop on Software and Hardware Challenges of Manycore Platforms w/ International Symposium on Computer Architecture (SHCMP w/ ISCA), 2008.

DeLorean: Recording and Deterministically Replaying Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Execution Efficiently

P. Montesinos, L. Ceze, J. TorrellasInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2008.

Atom-Aid: Detecting and Surviving Atomicity Violations

B. Lucia, J. Devietti, K. Strauss, L. CezeInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2008.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2008.

Concurrency Control with Data Coloring

L. Ceze, C. Praun, C. Cascaval, P. Montesinos, J. TorrellasWorkshop on Memory Systems Performance and Correctness w/ International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (MSPC w/ ASPLOS), 2008.

BulkSC: Bulk Enforcement of Sequential Consistency

L. Ceze, J. Tuck, P. Montesinos, J. TorrellasInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2007.

Colorama: Architectural Support for Data-Centric Synchronization

L. Ceze, P. Montesinos, C. Praun, J. TorrellasInternational Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2007.

Implicit Parallelism with Ordered Transactions

C. Praun, L. Ceze, C. CascavalPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2007.

Scalable Cache Miss Handling for High Memory Level Parallelism

J. Tuck, L. Ceze, J. TorrellasInternational Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), 2006.

Bulk Disambiguation of Speculative Threads in Multiprocessors

L. Ceze, J. Tuck, C. Cascaval, J. TorrellasInternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2006.

Are We Ready for High Memory-Level Parallelism?

L. Ceze, J. Tuck, J. TorrellasWorkshop on Memory Performance Issues w/ International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (WMPI w/HPCA), 2006.  Also appears in SIGMICRO Newsletter selection from WMPI-2006.

POSH: A TLS Compiler that Exploits Program Structure

W. Liu, J. Tuck, L. Ceze, W. Ahn, K. Strauss, J. Renau, J. TorrellasPrinciples and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2006.

Energy-Efficient Thread-Level Speculation on a CMP

J. Renau, K. Strauss, L. Ceze, S. Sarangi, J. Tuck, W. Liu, J. TorrellasIEEE Micro Top Picks in Computer Architecture, 2006.

Thread-Level Speculation on a CMP Can Be Energy Efficient

J. Renau, K. Strauss, L. Ceze, W. Liu, S. Sarangi, J. Tuck, J. TorrellasInternational Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2005.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2005.

Tasking with Out-of-Order Spawn in TLS Chip Multiprocessors: Microarchitecture and Compilation

J. Renau, J. Tuck, W. Liu, L. Ceze, K. Strauss, J. TorrellasInternational Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2005.  Selected for IEEE Micro Top Picks 2005.

CAVA: Hiding L2 Misses with Checkpoint-Assisted Value Prediction

L. Ceze, K. Strauss, J. Tuck, J. Renau, J. TorrellasIEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL), 2004.

An Overview Of The Blue Gene/L System Software Organization

G. Almasi, R. Bellofatto, J. Brunheroto, C. Cascaval, J.G. Castanos, P. Crumley, C.C. Erway, D. Lieber, X. Martorell, J.E. Moreira, R.K. Sahoo, A. Sanomiya, L. Ceze, K. StraussParallel Processing Letters, 2003.

An Overview Of The Blue Gene/L System Software Organization

G. Almasi, R. Bellofatto, J. Brunheroto, C. Cascaval, J.G. Castanos, L. Ceze,  othersInternational Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par), 2003.

Full Circle: Simulating Linux Clusters on Linux Clusters

L. Ceze, K. Strauss,  othersLCI International Conference on Linux Clusters (CWCE), 2003.  Selected as one of the top 3 papers in the conference.

Blue Gene/L, a system-on-a-chip

G. Almasi,  othersIEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CC), 2002.

Evaluation of a Multithreaded Architecture for Cellular Computing

C. Cascaval, J.G. Castanos, L. Ceze, M. Denneau, M. Gupta, D. Lieber, J.E. Moreira, K. Strauss, H.W.S. JrInternational Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2002.

Cellular Supercomputing with System-on-a-Chip

G. Almasi,  othersInternational Solid State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2002.

An environment for easy cross synchronization of multimedia Web based material

I. Stiubiener, L.H. Ceze, K. Strauss, C.B. Margi, R.M. Silveira, W.V. RuggieroFrontiers in Education, 2000.