Graduate TAs are paid monthly, and appointment levels -- i.e., TA, TA1, TA2 -- are based on academic progress.  The following salaries are based on a "full appointment"; most graduate TA positions are "full" or "half" time (coupled with a half-time RA appointment). Graduate TAs with a full appointment will not be required to work more than 220 hours per quarter, for an average of 20 hours a week; work responsibilities shall not exceed 30 hours in a given week except by TA consent. Graduate TAs with less than a full appointment will have their hours appropriately prorated.

Academic Student Employees (ASEs), which include TA and RA positions, are covered by the UAW/UW Academic Student Employee union contract. The union contract governs policies and procedures for appointments, salary, job definitions and leave time. You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with this contract.

"Full appointment" grad assistanships (20 hours a week) provide a tuition waiver and health insurance through the Graduate Appointee Insurance Program (GAIP). Your offer letter from the hiring department will confirm the length of employment, salary and benefits eligibility.

2023-2024 Graduate TA Salary (monthly)   ‡

  • TA:    $3,362  (Master's students)
  • TA1:  $3,514  (Ph.D. students, pre-generals)
  • TA2:  $3,646  (Ph.D. students, post-generals)

*The UW/UAW contract for Academic Student Employees requires departments to pay summer graduate student teaching assistants and predoctoral instructors/lecturers a supplement of 20% of the individual’s monthly salary rate for the academic year. This supplement is effective only during the summer quarter instructional session payroll dates, 6/16/XX—8/15/XX. The supplement is for all graduate teaching assistants and predoctoral instructors appointed for less than three months in Summer Quarter regardless of their total teaching FTE. This supplement does not apply to research assistants, staff assistants, or other ASE appointments.

‡ Variable Graduate TA Salaries will be updated for 2024-2025 once confirmed. (see )