General Information
- All PhD students are required to TA at least two quarters during their academic career.
- A "full" TA appointment is considered a 20-hour/week job, 220 hours per quarter. Students with other sources of funding (RA, Fellowship, etc.) can apply for a "half" TA appointment (10-hour/week job, 110 hours per quarter). See here for more information on funding options and policies.
- Fifth-year CSE BS/MS students at the graduate level are highly encouraged to apply for TA positions. While positions are not guaranteed, historically all BSMS students who have applied have received TA assignments.
- While we prioritize hiring CSE students, any student from any department may apply to be a CSE TA.
Introductory Programming Courses (CSE 12x/14x): TA positions for the large introductory programming courses (CSE 12x/14x) are assigned primarily to undergraduate students. Graduate students who have a strong interest in computer science education and/or teaching are encouraged to contact the TA Coordinator for information about potential TA opportunities with these courses.